The New Norm

Hanging out during summer of 2020

This is another drawing for the Hometown – Stay Home Drawing Challenge.

It is an illustration of the situation of many people during this summer of 2020. People are finding new and innovative ways to cope in these trying times. It can be as simple as a short chat with your next door neighbor. Many are away from their friends and family and even though some are lucky to be close to home, it is not an option to visit and find comfort.

Everyone had some sort of plan for the year 2020, especially for the summer time. Meeting friends, outdoor activities, barbecue, travelling are just some examples of what a person would do normally. I would like to show that even though everyone’s expectations didn’t pan out as one would have hoped, people have found new appreciation for something we sometimes take for granted like the ability to have a birthday party and blow out the candles and everyone has a piece of the birthday cake.

I have read horribly tragic news during this time but I have also heard news of good deeds. Small things like this neighborly chat is what is getting us through. Even though this pandemic has been tough, it is nice to know that people are good and kind.

We have to set aside our racial, cultural, gender and religious differences aside and move forward together as human beings because COVID-19 does not discriminate who or where we are.

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