My space

My office space

This is my drawing for the Hometown – Stay Home Drawing Challenge.

It is supposed to be my ideal work space while working at home. A little bit of sunlight, a cozy working space, a reading corner with a view and being able to feel the fresh air while working. A uncluttered space helps me think and be productive. I also need some space to get up and walk around, lie on the floor, lay out big drawing panels or just do some stretching. Open space allows ideas to flow. I like a nice and comfortable chair for reading flanked by a lamp and a shelf of current reads or my list of things I would like to read. In the daytime, the large window would provide enough light and in the night, the lamp would be a light that provides focus for reading. Thriving plants in the workplace emanates a sense of good spirits that promote productivity. It also improves the air quality and let me state the obvious, they are nice to look at.

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